In conjunction with Moduloc Seismic Systems, Masonry Solutions International is pleased to offer the Moduloc Dynamic Seismic Connector. This incredible, field-tested piece of technology represents a major leap forward in structural enhancement. Utilizing a proprietary dissipation method, the Moduloc system gives structures more the greater resiliency often associated with costly base isolation applications, with the simplicity and budget friendly nature of 'bolts plus' type approaches. Please view the illustration below for a glimpse at the configuration of this advanced seismic system:
- Internal seismic enhancement that protects masonry without altering its appearance
- Utilizes a unique dissipater device that offers greatly improved performance in a seismic event
- Proven to increase seismic dampening during an event by up to 8%
- Cheaper than other options such as base isolation
- Simple installation and streamlined design
- Taper-Lok connection provides maximum security
- Implemented on multiple seismic projects, including historic structures
Note that the Moduloc method relies on internal strengthening, making it ideal for the wealth of historic unreinforced masonry buildings (URBs) throughout the US and Europe. Testing has shown this approach to improve seismic dampening during an event by up to 8% in University of Colorado studies. It is the product of decades of R&D eying realistic application and utility. For more information, on how to specify the Moduloc seismic dampening system, please visit our Resources section.